Production process; economic activity, region, National Accounts

Production process; economic activity, region, National Accounts

Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Regions Periods Value added from the output Output (basic prices) (million euros) Value added from the output Intermediate consumption (million euros) Value added from the output Gross value added (million euros) Value added from generation of income Compensation of employees (million euros) Value added from generation of income Gross operating surplus (million euros) Value added from generation of income Taxes, not product-related (million euros) Value added from generation of income Subsidies, not product-related (-) (million euros) Labour input Total labour input (1,000 FTEs) Labour input Labour input of employees (1,000 FTEs)
A-U All economic activities The Netherlands 2022* 2,010,010 1,121,836 888,174 454,769 441,318 12,972 20,885 8,164.3 6,744.1
A-U All economic activities Groningen (PV) 2022* 62,499 31,484 31,015 13,170 19,319 482 1,957 249.0 206.4
A-U All economic activities Fryslân (PV) 2022* 56,539 31,810 24,729 12,332 12,862 354 819 263.1 205.3
A-U All economic activities Drenthe (PV) 2022* 38,473 20,972 17,500 9,386 8,384 233 503 194.8 156.2
A-U All economic activities Overijssel (PV) 2022* 116,373 66,078 50,295 27,356 23,347 632 1,040 532.2 445.6
A-U All economic activities Flevoland (PV) 2022* 35,400 18,677 16,723 7,727 8,997 320 321 161.4 127.1
A-U All economic activities Gelderland (PV) 2022* 202,222 112,895 89,327 47,104 42,899 1,137 1,813 922.2 752.9
A-U All economic activities Utrecht (PV) 2022* 168,546 86,631 81,915 43,918 38,117 1,397 1,517 725.6 613.4
A-U All economic activities Noord-Holland (PV) 2022* 409,811 218,696 191,115 96,316 95,275 3,075 3,552 1,530.8 1,265.7
A-U All economic activities Zuid-Holland (PV) 2022* 436,605 254,592 182,013 96,310 86,757 2,541 3,595 1,692.4 1,398.9
A-U All economic activities Zeeland (PV) 2022* 43,981 28,020 15,961 7,719 8,250 303 310 157.0 123.3
A-U All economic activities Noord-Brabant (PV) 2022* 314,490 182,132 132,357 68,126 64,970 1,767 2,505 1,250.3 1,042.8
A-U All economic activities Limburg (PV) 2022* 114,078 67,427 46,650 25,107 21,847 662 966 483.6 404.5
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures of the Regional accounts.
Regional accounts are consistent with National accounts, except for differences due to rounding, and also with Eurostat's European System of National and Regional Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010).
The new Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) is used in the National and Regional Accounts of the Netherlands. This code is based on the European classification Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne (NACE Rev. 2) which is used in all Member States of the European Union. It is in use for the year 2008 onwards. The amounts in this publication are in current prices only.

Data available from: 1995

Status of the figures:
The figures of the year 1995 to 2021 are final. Data of the year 2022 are also final, but the figures on Labour input of employed persons and Labour input of employees are an exception, due to the late availability of annual data on self-employed persons. These final figures are published a year after.

Changes as of December 23rd 2024:
The figures for output, intermediate consumption, gross value added and gross operating surplus on regional level were incorrect. This is corrected in this publication.
The national figures for the Netherlands for output and intermediate consumption are also corrected, the other national figures remain unchanged.

Changes as of December 9th 2024:
None, this is a new table.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. This table contains revised data. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
In December 2025 figures of reporting year 2023 will be published.

Description topics

Value added from the output
Output (basic prices)
Output covers the value of all goods produced for sale, including unsold goods, and all receipts for services rendered. Output furthermore covers the market equivalent of goods and services produced for own use, such as own account capital formation, services of owner-occupied dwellings and agricultural products produced by farmers for own consumption. The output of such goods is estimated by valuing the quantities produced against the price that the producer would have received if these goods had been sold. Output is valued at basic prices, defined as the price received by the producer excluding trade and transport margins and the balance of taxesand subsidies on products. This is the price the producer is ultimately left with.
Intermediate consumption
Intermediate consumption includes all goods and services used up in the production process in the accounting period, regardless the date of purchase. This includes for example fuel, raw materials, semi manufactured goods, communication services, cleansing services and audits by accountants. Intermediate consumption is valued at purchasers' prices, excluding deductible VAT. For companies which do not need to charge VAT on their sales, the VAT paid by their purchases is non-deductible. It is therefore recorded as a component of intermediate consumption.
Gross value added
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices).
Value added from generation of income
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees is the total renumeration paid by employers to their employees in return for work done. Employees are all residents and non-residents working in a paid job. Managing directors of limited companies are considered to be employees;
therefore their salaries are also included in the compensation of employees. The same holds for people working in sheltered workshops. Compensation of employees is distinguished between wages and salaries and employers' social contributions.
Gross operating surplus
The gross operating surplus by industry is the balance that remains after deducting from the value added (basic prices) the compensation of employees and the balance of not product-related taxes and not product-related subsidies on production. The operating surplus of family enterprises is called mixed income, because it also contains compensation for work by the owners and their family members. On the level of the total economy operating surplus is computed by adding to the total of the industries the difference imputed and paid VAT.
Taxes, not product-related
Taxes on production paid by producers, not related to the value or volume of the products produced or transacted. Examples are real estate tax and sewerage charges paid by producers.
Subsidies, not product-related (-)
Subsidies on production paid to producers, not related to the value or volume of products domestically produced or transacted. These are mainly wage subsidies.
Labour input
Total labour input
Labour input of all employed persons (employees and self-employed) during an accounting period expressed in full-time equivalent jobs (fte). For the total labour input part-time jobs are converted to full-time jobs.

Employed persons include all persons carrying out a remunerated activity, including persons who only work one hour a week. In addition, it also covers:
- hidden and underground activities where the transactions themselves are not against the law, but are unreported to avoid official scrutiny;
- persons paid out but temporarily not working, for instance due to illness/injury or suspension of work caused by bad weather;
- persons not paid out who are temporary absent.
Labour input of employees
Labour input of employees during an accounting period expressed in full-time equivalent jobs. Part-time jobs are converted to full-time jobs. Employees are defined as persons who, by agreement, work for a resident institutional unit and receive a remuneration (wages and/or salaries in kind) recorded as compensation of employees.