Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, NA, 1995-2022

Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, NA, 1995-2022

Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Compensation of employees Amount Compensation of employees (million euros) Compensation of employees Amount Wages and salaries (million euros) Compensation of employees Amount Employers' social contributions (million euros) Compensation of employees Amount Wage costs (million euros) Compensation of employees Year-on-year change Compensation of employees (%) Compensation of employees Year-on-year change Wages and salaries (%) Compensation of employees Year-on-year change Wage costs (%) Compensation per labour volume Amount Compensation per fte Compensation per fte (1,000 euro) Compensation per labour volume Amount Compensation per fte Wages per fte (1,000 euro) Compensation per labour volume Amount Compensation per fte Wage costs per fte (1,000 euro) Compensation per labour volume Amount Compensation per hour worked Compensation per hour worked (euro) Compensation per labour volume Amount Compensation per hour worked Wages per hour worked (euro) Compensation per labour volume Amount Compensation per hour worked Wage costs per hour worked (euro) Compensation per labour volume Year-on-year change Compensation per fte Compensation per fte (%) Compensation per labour volume Year-on-year change Compensation per fte Wages per fte (%) Compensation per labour volume Year-on-year change Compensation per fte Wage costs per fte (%) Compensation per labour volume Year-on-year change Compensation per hour worked Compensation per hour worked (%) Compensation per labour volume Year-on-year change Compensation per hour worked Wages per hour worked (%) Compensation per labour volume Year-on-year change Compensation per hour worked Wage costs per hour worked (%) Labour volume Number Full-time equivalent (fte) (x 1,000) Labour volume Number Hours worked (million hours) Labour volume Number Hours paid (million hours) Labour volume Number Hours agreed (million hours) Labour volume Number Paid extra hours (million hours) Labour volume Year-on-year change Full-time equivalent (fte) (%) Labour volume Year-on-year change Hours worked (%) Jobs of employees Number Jobs (full-time and part-time) Total (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Jobs (full-time and part-time) Male (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Jobs (full-time and part-time) Female (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Full-time jobs Total (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Full-time jobs Male (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Full-time jobs Female (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Part-time jobs Total (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Part-time jobs Male (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Number Part-time jobs Female (x 1,000) Jobs of employees Year-on-year change Jobs (full-time and part-time) Total (%)
A-U All economic activities 1995 165,485 139,141 26,344 165,163 . . . 33.2 27.9 33.1 19.4 16.3 19.4 . . . . . . 4,992 8,529 . . . . . 6,316 3,692 2,623 . . . . . . .
A-U All economic activities 2018 369,840 290,635 79,205 368,188 4.8 4.4 4.9 59.0 46.4 58.7 34.6 27.2 34.5 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.9 6,269 10,686 12,715 12,553 163 3.1 2.9 8,347 4,379 3,969 3,768 2,898 870 4,580 1,481 3,099 2.8
A-U All economic activities 2019 388,869 304,470 84,399 387,083 5.1 4.8 5.1 60.6 47.5 60.3 35.5 27.8 35.3 2.7 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.1 2.5 6,415 10,961 13,015 12,859 156 2.3 2.6 8,527 4,457 4,070 3,828 2,931 897 4,699 1,526 3,173 2.2
A-U All economic activities 2020 402,735 314,737 87,998 389,089 3.6 3.4 0.5 63.0 49.3 60.9 38.1 29.8 36.8 4.0 3.8 0.9 7.4 7.2 4.3 6,390 10,565 12,999 12,864 136 -0.4 -3.6 8,419 4,377 4,042 3,775 2,878 897 4,644 1,499 3,145 -1.3
A-U All economic activities 2021 419,346 327,970 91,376 408,582 4.1 4.2 5.0 64.1 50.1 62.5 38.1 29.8 37.1 1.7 1.8 2.6 -0.1 0.0 0.8 6,542 11,011 13,258 13,113 144 2.4 4.2 8,588 4,444 4,143 3,879 2,924 955 4,709 1,520 3,189 2.0
A-U All economic activities 2022* 451,678 351,575 100,103 448,443 7.7 7.2 9.8 66.9 52.0 66.4 39.7 30.9 39.4 4.3 3.8 6.3 4.2 3.7 6.1 6,756 11,387 13,663 13,522 141 3.3 3.4 8,899 4,593 4,307 3,997 2,980 1,017 4,903 1,613 3,290 3.6
C Manufacturing 1995 27,745 23,585 4,160 27,656 . . . 33.8 28.7 33.7 19.4 16.5 19.3 . . . . . . 822 1,433 . . . . . 891 729 162 . . . . . . .
C Manufacturing 2018 42,695 33,668 9,027 42,179 4.0 3.6 4.3 62.9 49.6 62.1 36.0 28.4 35.6 1.8 1.4 2.0 2.1 1.7 2.4 679 1,185 1,399 1,374 26 2.2 1.9 756 586 170 542 484 57 215 102 113 2.1
C Manufacturing 2019 44,754 35,139 9,615 44,201 4.8 4.4 4.8 64.5 50.6 63.7 36.9 29.0 36.4 2.5 2.1 2.5 2.4 1.9 2.3 694 1,213 1,429 1,404 25 2.2 2.4 773 598 175 551 492 60 221 106 115 2.1
C Manufacturing 2020 46,078 35,775 10,303 44,035 3.0 1.8 -0.4 66.6 51.7 63.6 39.6 30.8 37.9 3.2 2.1 -0.1 7.5 6.3 4.0 692 1,162 1,427 1,407 20 -0.3 -4.2 769 593 176 545 484 61 225 110 115 -0.4
C Manufacturing 2021 47,185 36,938 10,247 45,706 2.4 3.3 3.8 68.4 53.6 66.3 39.6 31.0 38.4 2.8 3.7 4.2 -0.1 0.7 1.3 689 1,191 1,418 1,396 22 -0.4 2.5 766 589 177 542 478 63 225 111 114 -0.4
C Manufacturing 2022* 50,117 38,999 11,118 49,411 6.2 5.6 8.1 71.6 55.7 70.6 41.7 32.5 41.1 4.6 4.0 6.5 5.4 4.7 7.3 700 1,201 1,434 1,414 21 1.5 0.8 779 595 183 546 478 68 232 117 116 1.6
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides annual data about the compensation of employees, the wage costs and the labour volume of employees. Compensation of employees is classified in wages and salaries and employers' social contributions. The wage costs are the total of wages, social contributions paid by employers and taxes on wage costs minus wage cost subsidies. The labour volume is given in jobs (by sex and by full-time or part-time), full-time equivalent (fte), hours paid, hours agreed and hours worked. The table additionally provides the compensation of employees, wages and salaries and wage costs related to full-time equivalents and hours worked.

Data available from: 1995 up to and including 2022.

Status of the figures:
Data from 1995 up to and including 2021 are final. Data over 2022 are provisional. Since this table has been discontinued, data of 2022 will not become final.

Changes as of June 24th 2024:
None. This table has been discontinued.
Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees is the total remuneration paid by employers to their employees in return for work done. Compensation of employees is classified in wages and salaries and employers' social contributions.
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees is the total remuneration paid by employers to their employees in return for work done. Compensation of employees is classified in wages and salaries and employers' social contributions.
Wages and salaries
Wages and salaries include income taxes and employees' social contributions even if they are actually withheld by the employer and paid directly to tax authorities, social security schemes and pension schemes. Besides wages that are periodically and directly paid to employees, wages and salaries also contain wages in kind and holiday allowances. Furthermore, certain refunds for costs made by the employee are included as well.
Employers' social contributions
Employers' social contributions consist of payments to insurers made by employers for the benefit of their employees. They can be classified in employers' social security contributions, employers' private social contributions (of which pension schemes) and the imputed social contributions.
Wage costs
The total of wages, social contributions paid by employers and taxes on wage costs minus wage cost subsidies.
Year-on-year change
%-change with respect to the previous year
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees is the total remuneration paid by employers to their employees in return for work done. Compensation of employees is classified in wages and salaries and employers' social contributions.
Wages and salaries
Wages and salaries include income taxes and employees' social contributions even if they are actually withheld by the employer and paid directly to tax authorities, social security schemes and pension schemes. Besides wages that are periodically and directly paid to employees, wages and salaries also contain wages in kind and holiday allowances. Furthermore, certain refunds for costs made by the employee are included as well.
Wage costs
The total of wages, social contributions paid by employers and taxes on wage costs minus wage cost subsidies.
Compensation per labour volume
Compensation of employees per labour volume.
Compensation per fte
Compensation of employees per full-time equivalent (fte).
Compensation per fte
Compensation of employees per full-time equivalent (fte).
Wages per fte
Wages and salaries per full-time equivalent (fte).
Wage costs per fte
Wage costs per full-time equivalent (fte).
Compensation per hour worked
Compensation of employees per hour worked.
Compensation per hour worked
Compensation of employees per hour worked.
Wages per hour worked
Wages and salaries per hour worked.
Wage costs per hour worked
Wage costs per hour worked.
Year-on-year change
%-change with respect to the previous year
Compensation per fte
Compensation of employees per full-time equivalent (fte).
Compensation per fte
Compensation of employees per full-time equivalent (fte).
Wages per fte
Wages and salaries per full-time equivalent (fte).
Wage costs per fte
Wage costs per full-time equivalent (fte).
Compensation per hour worked
Compensation of employees per hour worked.
Compensation per hour worked
Compensation of employees per hour worked.
Wages per hour worked
Wages and salaries per hour worked.
Wage costs per hour worked
Wage costs per hour worked.
Labour volume
The volume of labour input in the production process, in terms of hours worked or full-time equivalents
Full-time equivalent (fte)
A measure of labour volume, calculated by converting all full-time and part-time jobs to full-time jobs.
Hours worked
The number of hours actually worked by someone with a paid job.
Hours paid
The sum of the hours agreed and the paid extra hours.
Hours agreed
Paid extra hours
Year-on-year change
%-change with respect to the previous year
Full-time equivalent (fte)
A measure of labour volume, calculated by converting all full-time and part-time jobs to full-time jobs.
Hours worked
The number of hours actually worked by someone with a paid job.
Jobs of employees
A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit which specifies that labour will be carried out in return for (financial) remuneration.

A distinction is made between jobs of employees and jobs of self-employed persons. In this table only jobs of employees are included.
Jobs (full-time and part-time)
Sum of full-time jobs and part-time jobs.
Full-time jobs
An employee's job when he or she has a contract and tasks for a full working day and full working week.
Part-time jobs
A job for which there is a permanent contract and for which a fixed number of hours was agreed that is less than the number of hours in a full day's or working week.
Year-on-year change
%-change with respect to the previous year
Jobs (full-time and part-time)
Sum of full-time jobs and part-time jobs.