National accounts; Structure national net lending/borrowing 1969 - 2012

National accounts; Structure national net lending/borrowing 1969 - 2012

Periods Gross domestic product (mln euro) Consumption of fixed capital (-) (mln euro) Net domestic product (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Net primary income from rest of world (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income from rest of world Total primary income from rest of world (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income from rest of world Compensation of employees (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income from rest of world Property income (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income from rest of world Subsidies received from rest of world (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income paid to rest of world Total (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income paid to rest of world Compensation of employees (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income paid to rest of world Property income (mln euro) Net primary income from rest of world Primary income paid to rest of world Taxes on production and imports (mln euro) Net national income (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Net current transfers from rest of world (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers from rest of world Total (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers from rest of world Belastingen op inkomen en vermogen (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers from rest of world Sociale premies (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers from rest of world Sociale uitkeringen in geld (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers from rest of world Overige inkomensoverdrachten (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers to rest of world Total (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers to rest of world Belastingen op inkomen en vermogen (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers to rest of world Sociale premies (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers to rest of world Sociale uitkeringen in geld (mln euro) Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers to rest of world Overige inkomensoverdrachten (mln euro) Net disposable national income (mln euro) Final consumption expenditure (-) (mln euro) Adjust. net equity in pens. funds res. (mln euro) Net national saving (mln euro) Net fixed capital formation (-) (mln euro) Changes in inventories (-) (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Surplus nation on current transactions (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net exports Total (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net exports Net exports of goods (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net exports Net exports of services (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net primary income from rest of world Net primary income from rest of world (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net primary income from rest of world Primary income from rest of world (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net primary income from rest of world Primary income to rest of world (-) (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net current transfers from rest of world Net current transfers from rest of world (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers from rest of world (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Net current transfers from rest of world Current transfers to rest of world (mln euro) Surplus nation on current transactions Adjust. net equity in pens. funds res. (mln euro) Net capital transfers from rest of world Net capital transfers from rest of world (mln euro) Net capital transfers from rest of world Capital transfers from rest of world (mln euro) Net capital transfers from rest of world Capital transfers to rest of world (mln euro) National net lending or net borrowing National net lending or net borrowing (mln euro) National net lending or net borrowing Change in assets on rest of the world (mln euro) National net lending or net borrowing Change in liabilities to the rest of the (mln euro) National net lending or net borrowing Statistical discrepancy (mln euro)
2005 513,407 75,709 437,698 2,478 143,260 1,011 140,958 1,291 140,782 2,143 136,222 2,417 440,176 -8,219 7,092 1,630 1,019 230 4,213 15,311 210 272 2,316 12,513 431,957 372,028 398 60,327 21,307 598 38,422 43,765 40,710 3,055 2,478 143,260 140,782 -8,219 7,092 15,311 398 -1,751 1,630 3,381 36,671 250,329 213,183 -475
2006 540,216 78,594 461,622 14,525 180,125 988 177,615 1,522 165,600 2,261 160,631 2,708 476,147 -8,020 7,700 1,855 1,061 242 4,542 15,720 228 276 2,255 12,961 468,127 390,317 433 78,243 27,779 1,720 48,744 41,806 41,495 311 14,525 180,125 165,600 -8,020 7,700 15,720 433 -1,888 1,792 3,680 46,856 529,944 482,530 -558
2007 571,773 82,072 489,701 9,502 225,889 962 223,899 1,028 216,387 4,818 208,450 3,119 499,203 -8,757 7,485 1,538 1,120 234 4,593 16,242 312 281 2,228 13,421 490,446 407,971 347 82,822 32,268 2,467 48,087 46,995 43,661 3,334 9,502 225,889 216,387 -8,757 7,485 16,242 347 -1,186 2,711 3,897 46,901 542,617 494,246 -1,470
2008 594,481 85,412 509,069 -12,626 198,213 941 196,230 1,042 210,839 5,979 201,639 3,221 496,443 -8,988 7,874 1,560 1,248 248 4,818 16,862 341 282 2,308 13,931 487,455 423,230 302 64,527 36,437 7 28,083 49,395 43,203 6,192 -12,626 198,213 210,839 -8,988 7,874 16,862 302 -2,104 2,401 4,505 25,979 43,661 17,022 -660
2009 573,235 87,974 485,261 -13,850 158,456 1,045 156,325 1,086 172,306 5,855 164,377 2,074 471,411 -8,267 8,757 624 1,379 248 6,506 17,024 233 284 2,305 14,202 463,144 427,677 230 35,697 20,800 -3,283 18,180 40,067 36,228 3,839 -13,850 158,456 172,306 -8,267 8,757 17,024 230 -2,531 2,331 4,862 15,649 18,803 1,447 -1,707
2010 586,789 89,725 497,064 -9,002 209,011 1,099 207,013 899 218,013 5,432 210,395 2,186 488,062 -8,870 9,375 843 1,529 248 6,755 18,245 689 284 2,304 14,968 479,192 435,169 154 44,177 12,160 2,452 29,565 47,283 41,850 5,433 -9,002 209,011 218,013 -8,870 9,375 18,245 154 -3,259 2,436 5,695 26,306 211,406 186,223 1,123
2011** 599,047 88,944 510,103 1,917 204,902 1,084 202,815 1,003 202,985 6,187 194,215 2,583 512,020 -9,168 8,752 979 1,707 248 5,818 17,920 244 284 2,304 15,088 502,852 439,093 82 63,841 17,922 1,664 44,255 51,424 45,194 6,230 1,917 204,902 202,985 -9,168 8,752 17,920 82 -2,061 2,076 4,137 42,194 301,216 257,229 -1,793
2012* 599,338 89,044 510,294 5,655 169,875 1,077 167,839 959 164,220 6,788 154,743 2,689 515,949 -10,116 8,945 960 1,888 248 5,849 19,061 583 284 2,304 15,890 505,833 443,908 9 61,934 12,963 3,074 45,897 50,349 45,972 4,377 5,655 169,875 164,220 -10,116 8,945 19,061 9 -1,727 1,861 3,588 44,170 47,887 5,272 1,555
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents annual figures about the structure of national net lending or net borrowing, starting from the gross domestic product. National net lending or net borrowing is the difference between the assets of the Netherlands on the rest of the world and the liabilities of the Netherlands to the rest of the world.
National net lending or net borrowing presents the amount all sectors together in the Netherlands can lend / invest or has to borrow, given the current and capital transactions.

The macroeconomic variables in the calculation of national net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) are expressed in values at current prices, million euro.

Data available from 1969 to 2012

Status of the figures:
The figures from 1969 and onwards are final. The figures for the last two years are (revised) provisional.
Because this table is discontinued, figures will not be updated anymore.

Changes as of June 25th 2014:
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore. This table is replaced by table National accounts; Structure national net lending/borrowing. See paragraph 3.

Description topics

Gross domestic product
Domestic product (GDP) is the final result of the production activities of
resident producer units. It is equal to the total value added at basic
prices of industries, supplemented with some transactions which are not
attributed to individual industries. The value added (basic prices) by
industry is equal to the difference between output (basic prices) and
intermediate consumption (purchasers' prices).
The transactions which are not attributed to individual industries are
the balance of taxes and subsidies on products and the difference between
imputed and paid VAT (value added tax). Gross domestic product also
equals the value of income generated in the Netherlands.
The volume change of GDP is the economic growth.
Consumption of fixed capital (-)
Consumption of fixed capital represents the depreciation of the stock of
produced fixed assets, as a result of normal technical and economical
ageing and insurable accidental damage. Losses due to catastrophes and
unforeseen ageing are seen as a capital loss.
Net domestic product
Domestic product excluding consumption of fixed capital.
Net primary income from rest of world
The difference between received from the rest of the world and paid to the
rest of the world of: compensation of employees, taxes and subsidies on
production and imports, and property income.
Net primary income from rest of world
The difference between received from the rest of the world and paid to
the rest of the world of: compensation of employees, taxes and subsidies
on production and imports, and property income.
Primary income from rest of world
Compensation of employees, subsidies and property income received from
the rest of the world.
Total primary income from rest of world
Compensation of employees, subsidies and property income receivded from
the rest of the world.
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees received from the rest of the world.
Property income
Property income received from the rest of the world: interest, dividends,
reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment and other property
Subsidies received from rest of world
Subsidies received from the rest of the world, such as from the European
Primary income paid to rest of world
Compensation of employees, subsidies and property income paid to the rest
of the world.
Compensation of employees, subsidies and property income paid to the rest
of the world.
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees received from the rest of the world.
Property income
Property income paid to the rest of the world: interest, dividends,
reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment and other property
Taxes on production and imports
Taxes on production and imports paid to the rest of the world.
Net national income
National income is the sum of gross domestic product (GDP) and net
primary income from the rest of the world. Net national income is
exclusive of consumption of fixed capital.
Net current transfers from rest of world
Net current transfers received from the rest of the world.
The difference between current transfers received from the rest of the
world and paid to the rest of the world.
Net current transfers from rest of world
Net current transfers received from the rest of the world.
The difference between current transfers received from the rest of the
world and paid to the rest of the world.
Current transfers from rest of world
Current transfers received from the rest of the world.
Current transfers received from the rest of the world: taxes on income and
wealth, social security benefits and other current transfers.
Belastingen op inkomen en vermogen
De uit het buitenland ontvangen belastingen op inkomen en vermogen.
Bij vennootschappen omvatten de belastingen op inkomen en vermogen met
name de vennootschapsbelasting en de dividendbelasting. Deze belastingen
hebben als grondslag de winst van vennootschappen.
Bij huishoudens worden als belastingen op inkomen en vermogen alle
belastingen beschouwd, die periodiek worden geheven op het inkomen of het
vermogen, zoals inkomstenbelasting, loonbelasting en vermogensbelasting.
Niet-periodieke heffingen, zoals de successierechten, zijn als
kapitaaloverdrachten aangemerkt.
Enkele belastingsoorten die bij producenten gerekend worden tot
belastingen op productie en invoer worden bij huishoudens, in hun
hoedanigheid van consument, beschouwd als belastingen op inkomen en
vermogen. Zo is de motorrijtuigenbelasting op auto's die privé worden
gebruikt, gerekend tot de belastingen op inkomen en vermogen.
De behandeling van de dividendbelasting vloeit voort uit de bruto
registratie van dividend, dat wil zeggen inclusief dividendbelasting. Dit
betekent dat de dividendbelasting geboekt dient te worden bij de sector
die het dividend ontvangt. Dit heeft tot gevolg dat er ook
dividendbelasting aan het buitenland wordt betaald en uit het buitenland
wordt ontvangen.
Sociale premies
De uit het buitenland ontvangen sociale premies.
Sociale premies omvatten premies wettelijke sociale verzekering,
pensioenpremies, overige particuliere sociale premies en toegerekende
sociale premies. Deze premies komen ten laste van werkgevers, werknemers,
zelfstandigen en niet-werkenden.
In de praktijk wordt het werkgeversdeel van deze premies rechtstreeks door
de werkgevers aan de verzekeraars betaald. Omdat de werkgeverspremies ook
deel uit maken van de loonkosten zijn zij in eerste aanleg behandeld als
beloning van werknemers aan huishoudens. Vanuit de huishoudens vloeien ze
daarna, samen met de premies die niet ten laste komen van werkgevers, naar
de verzekeraars.
Sociale uitkeringen in geld
De uit het buitenland ontvangen sociale uitkeringen in geld.
Deze uitkeringen worden aan huishoudens toegekend om de financiële lasten
te verlichten die voor die huishoudens voortvloeien uit een aantal
risico's en behoeften (zoals ziekte, invaliditeit, arbeidsongeschiktheid,
ouderdom, nabestaanden en werkloosheid).
Sociale uitkeringen omvatten uitkeringen wettelijke sociale verzekering,
uitkeringen sociale voorziening, pensioenuitkeringen, overige particuliere
sociale premies en uitkeringen rechtstreeks door werkgevers.
Overige inkomensoverdrachten
De uit het buitenland ontvangen inkomensoverdrachten zoals ondermeer
schadeverzekeringspremies en schadeverzekeringsuitkeringen.
Current transfers to rest of world
Current transfers paid to the rest of the world.
Current transfers paid to the rest of the world: taxes on income and
wealth, social security benefits and other current transfers.
Belastingen op inkomen en vermogen
De aan het buitenland betaalde belastingen op inkomen en vermogen.
Bij vennootschappen omvatten de belastingen op inkomen en vermogen met
name de vennootschapsbelasting en de dividendbelasting. Deze belastingen
hebben als grondslag de winst van vennootschappen.
Bij huishoudens worden als belastingen op inkomen en vermogen alle
belastingen beschouwd, die periodiek worden geheven op het inkomen of het
vermogen, zoals inkomstenbelasting, loonbelasting en vermogensbelasting.
Niet-periodieke heffingen, zoals de successierechten, zijn als
kapitaaloverdrachten aangemerkt.
Enkele belastingsoorten die bij producenten gerekend worden tot
belastingen op productie en invoer worden bij huishoudens, in hun
hoedanigheid van consument, beschouwd als belastingen op inkomen en
vermogen. Zo is de motorrijtuigenbelasting op auto's die privé worden
gebruikt, gerekend tot de belastingen op inkomen en vermogen.
De behandeling van de dividendbelasting vloeit voort uit de bruto
registratie van dividend, dat wil zeggen inclusief dividendbelasting. Dit
betekent dat de dividendbelasting geboekt dient te worden bij de sector
die het dividend ontvangt. Dit heeft tot gevolg dat er ook
dividendbelasting aan het buitenland wordt betaald en uit het buitenland
wordt ontvangen.
Sociale premies
De aan het buitenland betaalde sociale premies.
Sociale premies omvatten premies wettelijke sociale verzekering,
pensioenpremies, overige particuliere sociale premies en toegerekende
sociale premies. Deze premies komen ten laste van werkgevers, werknemers,
zelfstandigen en niet-werkenden.
In de praktijk wordt het werkgeversdeel van deze premies rechtstreeks door
de werkgevers aan de verzekeraars betaald. Omdat de werkgeverspremies ook
deel uit maken van de loonkosten zijn zij in eerste aanleg behandeld als
beloning van werknemers aan huishoudens. Vanuit de huishoudens vloeien ze
daarna, samen met de premies die niet ten laste komen van werkgevers, naar
de verzekeraars.
Sociale uitkeringen in geld
De aan het buitenland betaalde sociale uitkeringen in geld.
Deze uitkeringen worden aan huishoudens toegekend om de financiële lasten
te verlichten die voor die huishoudens voortvloeien uit een aantal
risico's en behoeften (zoals ziekte, invaliditeit, arbeidsongeschiktheid,
ouderdom, nabestaanden en werkloosheid).
Sociale uitkeringen omvatten uitkeringen wettelijke sociale verzekering,
uitkeringen sociale voorziening, pensioenuitkeringen, overige particuliere
sociale premies en uitkeringen rechtstreeks door werkgevers.
Overige inkomensoverdrachten
De aan het buitenland betaalde inkomensoverdrachten zoals ondermeer
schadeverzekeringspremies en schadeverzekeringsuitkeringen.
Net disposable national income
Disposable national income is equal to national income plus
net current transfers received from the rest of the world. Gross
includes consumption of fixed capital while net excludes
consumption of fixed capital.
Final consumption expenditure (-)
Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident
institutional units on goods and services that are used for the direct
satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs of
members of the community.
Final consumption expenditure may take place on the domestic territory or
Final consumption expenditure exists only for households, non-profit
institutions serving households and general government.
Adjust. net equity in pens. funds res.
Adjustment for net equity in pension funds reserves (surplus of the
nation). This adjustment ensures that any excess of contributions to
pension schemes over pension benefits does not affect household saving.
Net national saving
National saving equals disposable income less final consumption
expenditure and an adjustment item for net equity in pension funds
reserves. Gross includes consumption of fixed capital while net excludes
consumption of fixed capital.
Net fixed capital formation (-)
Fixed capital formation exclusive of consumption of fixed capital.
Fixed capital formation:
Expenditure for produced tangible or intangible assets that are used in
the production process for more than one year, such as buildings,
dwellings, machinery, transport equipment and the like.
Fixed capital formation also includes:
- work in progress of construction such as unfinished dwellings,
non-residential buildings and civil engineering works are recorded as
fixed capital formation of the client;
- military structures and equipment, similar to those used by civilian
producers, such as airfields and hospitals;
- improvements to existing fixed assets that go well beyond the
requirements of ordinary maintenance and repairs;
- transfer costs of fixed assets, such as conveyance fees and costs made
by real estate agents, architects and notaries.
Changes in inventories (-)
Inventories consist of all raw materials, semi-manufactured goods, work in
progress and final products, that producers have in stock at a certain
Changes in work in progress are in general considered to be changes in
inventories. However, work in progress in construction is seen as fixed
capital formation of the client and not as changes in inventories of the
construction industry. This concerns unfinished buildings and civil
engineering works.
Increases in inventories occur when goods are produced (or purchased) but
not yet sold (or used) in the year under review. Decreases in inventories
occur when goods are withdrawn from existing inventories in order to be
sold or used in the production process.
The assessment of the changes in inventories is done in such way that
gains or losses on inventories caused by price changes are avoided. With
this objective the initial and final stock of each good is valued at the
same price, namely raw materials at the average purchase price in the
period, final products at average sales price and work in progress at the
average cost price.
This valuation method prevents output and subsequently value added from
being influenced by changes in prices of stocks during the period under
Surplus nation on current transactions
Surplus of the nation on current transactions.
The surplus of the nation on current transactions consists of: net
exports, net primary income from the rest of the world an net current
transfers from the rest of the world.
Surplus nation on current transactions
Surplus of the nation on current transactions.
The surplus of the nation on current transactions consists of: net
exports, net primary income from the rest of the world an net current
transfers from the rest of the world.
Net exports
Net exports is the difference between the value of the exports of goods
and services and the value of the imports of goods and services.
Net exports is the difference between the value of the exports of goods
and services and the value of the imports of goods and services.
Net exports of goods
Net exports of goods is the difference between the value of the exports of
goods and the value of the imports of goods.
Net exports of services
Net exports of services is the difference between the value of the exports
of services and the value of the imports of services.
Net primary income from rest of world
The difference between received from the rest of the world and paid to
the rest of the world of: compensation of employees, taxes and subsidies
on production and imports, and property income.
Net primary income from rest of world
The difference between received from the rest of the world and paid to
the rest of the world of: compensation of employees, taxes and subsidies
on production and imports, and property income.
Primary income from rest of world
Compensation of employees, subsidies and property income received from
the rest of the world.
Primary income to rest of world (-)
Compensation of employees, subsidies and property income paid to the rest
of the world.
Net current transfers from rest of world
Net current transfers received from the rest of the world.
The difference between current transfers received from the rest of the
world and paid to the rest of the world.
Net current transfers from rest of world
Net current transfers received from the rest of the world.
The difference between current transfers received from the rest of the
world and paid to the rest of the world.
Current transfers from rest of world
Current transfers received from the rest of the world.
Current transfers to rest of world
Current transfers paid to the rest of the world.
Adjust. net equity in pens. funds res.
Adjustment for net equity in pension funds reserves (surplus of the
nation). This adjustment ensures that any excess of contributions to
pension schemes over pension benefits does not affect household saving.
Net capital transfers from rest of world
Net capital transfers from the rest of the world are the difference
between capital transfers received from the rest of the world and paid to
the rest of the world.
These capital transfers are: investment grants and other capital
Net capital transfers from rest of world
Net capital transfers from the rest of the world are the difference
between capital transfers received from the rest of the world and paid to
the rest of the world.
These capital transfers are: investment grants and other capital
Capital transfers from rest of world
Capital transfers received from the rest of the world.
These capital transfers are: investment grants and other capital
Capital transfers to rest of world
Capital transfers paid to the rest of the world.
These capital transfers are: investment grants and other capital
National net lending or net borrowing
National net lending (+) or net borrowing (-)
The national financing balance - net lending (+) or net borrowing (-)
- is the balance of resources and expenditure on the current account
and the capital account of the joint domestic sectors. In the financial
account the balance gives the amount new loans are entered into with
financial assets abroad and/or are sold (at a deficit) or for any amount
to be repaid debts abroad and/or financial assets are purchased (at a surplus).
National net lending or net borrowing
National net lending (+) or net borrowing (-)
The national financing balance - net lending (+) or net borrowing (-)
- is the balance of resources and expenditure on the current account
and the capital account of the joint domestic sectors. In the financial
account the balance gives the amount new loans are entered into with
financial assets abroad and/or are sold (at a deficit) or for any amount
to be repaid debts abroad and/or financial assets are purchased (at a surplus).
Change in assets on rest of the world
Change in assets on the rest of the world.
Total of changes in different types of assets on the rest of the world.
Change in liabilities to the rest of the
Change in liabilities to the rest of the world.
Total of changes in different types of liabilities to the rest of the
Statistical discrepancy
The statistical discrepancy arises by the use of different sources for the
current and capital transactions on the one hand and the financial
transactions on the other hand.