Members of the Executive Board


On this picture the Executive Board left to right: Lara Ankersmit, Harry Wijnhoven, Marleen Verbruggen, Erik Logtenberg, Angelique Berg, Joost Huurman, Erik Bruinsma and Hanneke Imbens
© Ann-Sophie Falter
the Executive Board left to right: Lara Ankersmit, Harry Wijnhoven, Marleen Verbruggen, Erik Logtenberg, Angelique Berg, Joost Huurman, Erik Bruinsma and Hanneke Imbens.

Director General

Ms. A. (Angelique) Berg, MSc

Director, Dataservices, Research and Innovation, also Deputy Director General

Drs. J.W.F.(Joost) Huurman

Department of Corporate Strategy and Management Advice

S.W.F.H. (Erik) Bruinsma, MA, LLM

Director, CBS Communications and News

Ms. L. (Lara) Ankersmit, MSc

Director, Corporate services, IT and Methodology

E.M. (Erik) Logtenberg

Director, Economic and Business Statistics and National Accounts

Ms. M.J.M. (Marleen) Verbruggen, MSc

Director, Socio-economic and Spatial Statistics

Ms. J.C.M. (Hanneke) Imbens, MSc

CEO, Blaise

H.J.A. (Harry) Wijnhoven, MSc