Your colleagues

CBS is a flexible, open and transparent organisation where over 2,000 committed people of different ages, nationalities, sexual preferences, fields of study and careers work together. What they have in common is a broad social interest and a focus on research results of outstanding quality.

At work at CBS

Are you ready for a career at CBS?

CBS is constantly looking for new talent at higher vocational (HBO) or university (WO) level. People who want to contribute with professional expertise to a future-proof CBS organisation. In the labour market campaign ‘Are you ready for a career at CBS?’ we present a portrait of our own colleagues. This campaign showcases the unique features of the work we do at CBS, while also highlighting our employees’ personal challenges and activities. 
Cas, data scientist at CBS, bouldering
© Marco de Swart

Want to know more about Cas's work? Read his story here or read the testimonials below where colleagues share their stories.

Want to know more about us? Read one of the corporate articles in which our colleagues share their stories.

At work at CBS

Are you excited and have we piqued your interest? Click here for a list of current vacancies.

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