More Polish workers

In 2005, approximately 70 thousand Poles worked in the Netherlands for part of the year. This is a modest increase relative to 2004, but three times as many as in 2000.

Over three times as many jobs as in 2000

Since 2000, the number of Poles working in the Netherlands on a temporary basis has grown. It mainly concerns people living in Poland who are staying and working in the Netherlands for part of the year. Many of them work are working as temps. The average duration of temp jobs is approximately three months.
In 2005, there were approximately 70 thousand Polish workers in the Netherlands. One in three had several temporary jobs in 2005. The total number of jobs held by the Polish workforce in the Netherlands was 100 thousand, three times as many as in 2000.The number of Polish temp workers in 2005 was four times as large as in 2000.

At the end of September 2005, workers living in Poland and working in the Netherlands was 22 thousand, which is much lower than for the entire year 2005. This is because many temporary jobs were terminated or had not yet started by the end of September.

Jobs of workers living in Poland

Jobs of workers living in Poland

More Polish workers settle in the Netherlands

Most Polish workers in the Netherlands do not seek permanent residence, but a number of them have settled in the Netherlands. This relatively small group is growing. At the end of September 2005, the group consisted of 11 thousand people, among whom more than 7 thousand women.
Most workers from Poland currently living in the Netherlands are employed in the services sector, including health care, trade and business services. Nearly one quarter work for temp agencies.

Workers born in Poland living in the Netherlands, September 2005

Workers born in Poland living in the Netherlands, September 2005

André Corpeleijn