Statistical Yearbook 2005

Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands 2005

A new edition of the Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands was published in August. The Statistical Yearbook provides current figures about almost all aspects of Dutch society.

The figures are presented for a number of themes, preceded by a brief description of relevant recent developments for each theme. The information in the Statistical Yearbook is only a limited selection from the wealth of figures available at Statistics Netherlands. The guide at the beginning of the book explains how these figures can be retrieved. Nearly all statistics and the most recent figures are available in the StatLine databank, which can be accessed free of charge. The databank, too, is set up in along the themes presented in this book. 

The complete Statistical yearbook of the Netherlands is also available free of charge on-line as a PDF-document.

Statistical Yearbook 2005

ISSN: 0303-6448

ISBN-10: 90-357-2876-9

The Statistical Yearbook can be ordered from book shops and Sdu.