
List with definitions of the concepts used by CBS in their statistics. Using the same definitions throughout makes comparison of figures easier.

List of definitions

Filter by starting letter:
  1. Daily global market prices
  2. Daily wage
  3. Damage by fire
  4. Day cases of nursing care or curative care
  5. Day in care (homes for the elderly and homes for the disabled)
  6. Day of absence (hospital)
  7. Day trip
  8. Day trip destination
  9. Days leave
  10. Daytime care for disabled people
  11. Dead weight
  12. Death
  13. Definitive verdict
  14. Deflator
  15. Degree of capacity utilisation of machinery/installations
  16. Degree of capacity utilisation of sleeping places
  17. Degree of loading
  18. Degree of occupational disability
  19. Degree of organisation (trade union membership rate)
  20. Degree of urbanisation
  21. Demographic pressure
  22. Dentist
  23. Departure
  24. Dependent child
  25. Dependent labour force
  26. Deportation
  27. Deportation of asylum seeker
  28. Deposition
  29. Depreciation fixed assets
  30. derived consumer price index
  31. Detained under a hospital order
  32. Detainee
  33. Detention
  34. Detention centre
  35. Detention on remand
  36. Dga
  37. Diagnosis code
  38. Difference imputed and paid VAT
  39. Direct investments
  40. Direct wage
  41. Disability Insurance Young Disabled Persons Act (Wajong)
  42. Disablement
  43. Disablement act for the self-employed (WAZ)
  44. Disablement benefits
  45. Disablement legislation
  46. Disablement provisions
  47. Disadvantaged pupil
  48. Discharge from all further prosecution
  49. Discharge from parental authority or guardianship
  50. Discrimination
  51. Disinvestment
  52. Dismissal
  53. Dismissal
  54. Dismissal
  55. Dismissal
  56. Dismissal by the public prosecutor
  57. Dismissal on technical grounds
  58. Disposable income (net)
  59. Disposable income (rev. 1995)
  60. Disposable national income (gross, market prices)
  61. Disposable national income (net, market prices)
  62. Disposition
  63. Dispositions under road traffic act (Wet Mulder)
  64. Dissolution of a relationship
  65. Distance travelled
  66. Distance travelled
  67. District court
  68. District court criminal case
  69. Divorce
  70. Divorce procedure
  71. Divorced
  72. Divorced after a legal marriage
  73. Divorced after a partnership
  74. Domestic consumption by households
  75. Domestic net turnover
  76. Domestic violence
  77. Dsu
  78. Dual income households
  79. Dump
  80. Durable consumer goods
  81. Duration
  82. Duration of a strike
  83. Duration of pregnancy
  84. Duration of sickness absence
  85. Dutch as a second language
  86. Dutch Caribbean
  87. Dutch citizenship
  88. Dutch national
  89. Dutch size unit
  90. Dutch Standard Classification of Occupations (SBC) 1992
  91. Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI 2003)
  92. Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI 2006)
  93. Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI 2006)
  94. Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI 2006)
  95. Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI)
  96. Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 1978
  97. Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 1998
  98. Dutch Standard industrial classification (SBI 2008)
  99. Dutch Standard industrial classification (SBI) 1993
  100. Dwelling (construction perspective)
  101. Dwelling (property tax perspective)
  102. Dwt
  103. Dynamic developments in purchasing power