
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) may offer a reward for participating in surveys among persons or households. This can be, for example, in the form of a prize to be raffled or a gift voucher to be received after participating in a survey. The form and amount of a possible reward differ per survey and this is always clearly communicated in the letter you receive from CBS. On the survey website you can find more about the possible rewards for specific surveys. On this page you can read about the policy regarding rewards.

Why a reward?

When setting up a survey, it is determined whether or not a reward will be used. When CBS conducts a survey with a reward, there are considerably more people willing to participate. By using rewards, CBS saves money because fewer people need to be approached for the survey. When making this choice, the associated costs and the possible effect on the quality of the research are always taken into account.

When the CBS raffles a prize, this is always in accordance with the Dutch Code of Conduct for Promotional Games of Chance (the Nederlandse Gedragscode promotionele kansspelen, in Dutch).


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