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233 results for keyword:Caribbean Netherlands
233 results for keyword:Caribbean Netherlands

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Two in three Bonaire residents work

In 2010, 10.7 thousand people aged 15 years or older lived on Bonaire; 7.1 thousand of them had a job, which puts the labour participation rate for the island at 66.6 percent.


Statistical Yearbook Netherlands Antilles 2009

The Statistical Yearbook offers a source of information for everyone who wishes to be informed about various topics regarding the social and economic situation of the different islands of the...


Price developments in Dutch Caribbean mirror uniqueness of the three islands

“You can only govern a country, if you know the figures”, is a slogan used by Statistics Netherlands. The slogan also applies to the islands of Bonaire, Saint. Eustatius and Saba,...


18 thousand Dutch Caribbeans

Since 10 October 2010, the Caribbean islands of Bonaire, Saba and Saint Eustatius have officially acquired the status of Dutch municipalities. As a result, 18 thousand new citizens were added to the...


Caribbean Netherlands

Caribbean Netherlands


New consumer price index for the Caribbean Netherlands

As of Q1 2018, CBS is publishing a new CPI series using a more recent reference year: 2017=100. The first results were published on 25 April 2018.


Compiling the CPI Caribbean Netherlands during the corona crisis 2020

Compiling the CPI Caribbean Netherlands during the corona crisis 2020
