Means of electricity production

What does the survey comprise?


Providing annual figures on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) installations and other means of producing electricity.

Target population

Combined Heat and Power installations and other means of producing electricity based in the Netherlands.

Statistical unit

Installations producing electricity.

Date/year survey started

Detailed figures broken down by type of installation are available from 1998 onwards. In addition the electricity balance sheet provides central electricity production figures from 1920 onwards and decentralised electricity production figures from 1936 onwards.


The overview of Combined Heat and Power installations and other means of producing electricity is published annually.

Publication strategy

Provisional figures are published on StatLine in October. All figures for the reporting year become definite in the following December. In addition there are deliveries to Eurostat and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

How is the survey conducted?

Survey type

Integral observation of companies with steam turbines, gas turbines and combined cycle units, the other companies are sample based.

Survey method

The survey of Combined Heat and Power installations is conducted with online questionnaires. The survey of the installations of the renewable sources sun, wind and water is conducted with the renewable energy statistics.


These are companies and institutions based in the Netherlands where Combined Heat and Power installations and other means of producing electricity are located and/or operated.

Sample size

The sample consists of about 300 companies.

Checking and correction methods

• For each installation the efficiency is calculated, that is, the ratio of production to the input of energy.
• The absolute amount of energy produced must be in line with the capacity of the installation.


Not applicable.

Quality of the results


About 95 percent of the target population returns a questionnaire that can be used.

Sequential comparability

The figures can be compared from the year the survey started onwards. The switch to the current survey design was made around 1975.

Quality strategy

The completed figures are checked automatically and in some cases improved after discussion with the respondent. Aggregated figures get a plausibility check. This is done by comparing the previous period with the corresponding periods of previous years. The aggregated figures are also checked to see if they fall within the margins of reference efficiencies.