Log in to the CBS Microdata environment

In order to log in to the CBS Microdata environment, you first need to install a VMware client and a Virtual Private Network (VPN) (see manual). Only Mac and Windows systems can make a VPN connection with CBS. It may be that your own company network is set up in a way to prevent the VPN client of CBS from working. You will then have to arrange for a separate, stand-alone PC or laptop to make a secure connection with CBS.

If you have been authorised, you can log in to the CBS Microdata environment with your login credentials after setting up a VPN connection. You will find the manual below.

If you still have questions about logging in to CBS Microdata environement after reading the manuals, please read the FAQ document first. If you still have questions after reading this you can, contact Microdata Services

Issue on CBS Microdata environment?

If you experience an issue in the CBS Microdata environment that prevents you from working (properly), please download the excel file below and email it to us (microdata@cbs.nl). In this way we can help you as efficient and effective as possible.