Security and justice

Security and justice

Filter by year:
  1. More than 55 thousand children adopted since 1956
  2. Number of bankruptcies increases
  3. Most pardons granted for traffic offences
  4. More bankruptcies
  5. Most crimes not reported to the police
  6. Number of bankruptcies drops considerably
  7. Multicultural neighbourhoods most positive about police performance
  8. Number of bankruptcies marginally up
  9. Number of divorces temporarily down in 2009
  10. Sustained increase debt management plans
  11. Fewer bankruptcy declarations in first six months of 2010
  12. Feelings of insecurity most widespread among residents of the four major cities
  13. 500 bankruptcies in July
  14. 635 bankruptcies in June
  15. Registered crime remains at same level
  16. One in five cases of sexual harassment occur in the workplace
  17. Number of bankruptcies drops significantly
  18. Fewer and fewer requests for amnesty
  19. 485 bankruptcies in April
  20. Number of crime victims stable, more cases of vandalism
  21. Number of adopted children nearly reduced by half
  22. Marginal increase bankruptcies
  23. Civil court judges hear one million cases
  24. 560 bankruptcies
  25. Number of debt management plans rising again
  26. Record number of bankruptcies in 2009
  27. Number of bankruptcies down in January 2010
  28. Most asylum seekers come from Iraq and Somalia
  29. One in every thousand Dutch involved in debt restructuring proceedings each year
  30. Spending on security growing faster than GDP
  31. Number of bankruptcies slightly down in December