Archive of dossiers

© Hollandse Hoogte
This archive contains all dossiers. Not all dossiers are up-to-date.


  1. Asylum, migration and integration
  2. Brexit: figures at a glance
  3. Caribbean Netherlands
  4. Circular economy
  5. Coronavirus crisis FAQs
  6. Dossier Business cycle
  7. Dossier Emancipation
  8. Dossier Globalisation
  9. Dossier Historical series
  10. Dossier Nitrogen
  11. Dossier Population ageing
  12. Dossier Sustainable development
  13. Dossier Well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals
  14. Dossier Young people
  15. Greenhouse gas emissions
  16. Ground movements in Groningen
  17. Regional statistics
  18. Russia - Ukraine