More vacancies for high-level jobs

The number of unfilled vacancies more than halved between 2000 and 2003, reaching 81 thousand in 2003. At the same time the share of vacancies for high-level and scientific jobs increased. Relatively speaking vacancies for technical personnel are often hard to fill.

Three in ten vacancies at a high or scientific level

On 30 September 2003 about 23 percent of all vacancies was in high-level jobs and 6 percent in scientific jobs. Three years earlier these percentages were 16 and 5 percent respectively. Vacancies for simple jobs developed in the opposite direction. In 2000 some 38 percent of the vacancies was available for people with elementary or low-level jobs. This decreased to 30 percent in 2003.

Share of vacancies by job level, 2000-2003

Share of vacancies by job level, 2000-2003

Administrative and commercial personnel in demand

On 30 September 2003 there were over 33 thousand vacancies for intermediate-level jobs. This equals 41 percent of the total. Most in demand within the intermediate-level jobs was administrative and commercial personnel, for whom there were over 13 thousand vacancies available. At the other job levels administrative and commercial personnel were also relatively much in demand.

Vacancies by job level and job orientation, September 2003

Vacancies by job level and job orientation, September 2003

Mainly low-level jobs for school levers

In 2003 there were 19 thousand vacancies fit for school leavers. Over half required a profession at most at vmbo-level (lower secondary general and vocational training). The same was true for about a third of all unfilled vacancies. The opposite was true for high-level and scientific jobs. One in seven vacancies for school leavers required a high-level and scientific profession. This was one in three for all vacancies.

Share of vacancies that are hard to fill, September 2003

Share of vacancies that are hard to fill, September 2003

Technical jobs hard to fill

In 2003 there were 16 thousand vacancies for technical personnel. There is much demand for technical personnel at the lower and intermediate level. In 2003 there were 13 thousand vacancies in it. Employers considered one third of the vacancies for technical personnel as hard to fill. In general, only one fifth of all vacancies are hard to fill.

Jeremy Weidum