Bonaire: purchasing power up again in 2015

In 2015, the median purchasing power of Bonaire’s local population improved by 3.6 percent. The purchasing power of employed people improved by 4.4 percent, while it rose by 2.5 percent for the unemployed. One-parent households saw the most positive effects. The median increase for people in these households was 6.9 percent.

Since the first measurement in 2012, median purchasing power on Bonaire has increased. The sharpest rise was in 2015, when 50 percent of the population gained at least 3.6 percent. By contrast, 37 percent of the population lost spending power in the same year.

Purchasing power development for private household members, 2012 - 2015*
 Total (% year-to-year change)Employed persons (% year-to-year change)Benefit recipients (% year-to-year change)

Spending power up for people in work

Employed people saw their purchasing power increase slightly more on an annual basis since 2012 than the population as a whole. In 2015, purchasing power of household members with income from labour or their own business in both 2014 and 2015 improved the most, namely by 4.4 percent. Those on social benefits in both years saw a minor increase of 2.5 percent. Only one-quarter of this group saw their spending power decline.

Largest increase for single-parent households and couples with children

Multi-person households had 4.2 percent more median spending power in 2015. The most significant improvement was seen among households with children: single-parent households and couples with children had 6.9 percent and 4.9 percent more purchasing power respectively. For single-person households, the increase was 2.5 percent.

Purchasing power development for private household members by household composition, 2015*
 Purchasing power development (% year-to-year change)
Single-person household2.5
Multi-person household4.2
One-parent household6.9
Couples, total3.4
Couples, without children2.2
Couples, with children4.9
Multi-person household n.e.c.4.3

Sharper rise for young households

Of all age groups, the group of people under the age of 40 benefited most from the increase in purchasing power. These are the people who are still moving up the career ladder. As they gain more work experience and find better paid jobs, their wages increase. In 2015, this age group gained 6.8 percent in purchasing power. Despite this favourable development, spending power declined for 36 percent of people in this age category. For people aged 60 and over whose primary source of income was AOV (the local old age insurance benefit), the purchasing power improvement of 2.4 percent was equal to the development of AOV amounts in real terms.

Purchasing power development for private household members by age group, 2015*
 Purchasing power development (% year-to-year change)
Main breadwinner younger than 40 years6.8
Main breadwinner aged 40 to 59 years4.4
Main breadwinner aged 60 years and older2.4

More purchasing power for all income classes

All income groups saw their purchasing power increase. Purchasing power improved most for people in the higher income groups. In the second highest income group, purchasing power rose most notably by 4.7 percent, while the increase amounted to 4.3 percent among people in the highest income class.

Purchasing power development for private household members by income group, 2015*
 Purchasing power development (% year-to-year change)
1st quartile (low income)2.5
2nd quartile2.9
3rd quartile4.7
4th quartile (high income)4.3