Energy companies emit more CO2

Statistics Netherlands CBS: CO2-uitstoot in eerste kwartaal 2015 flink gestegen

The Dutch economy increased its CO2 emissions by 8.1 percent in the first quarter of 2015 on the same quarter of 2014. Adjusted for the relatively low temperatures CO2 emissions were up by 3.8 percent. The Dutch economy saw a year-on year growth of 2.4 percent in the first quarter of 2015, according to the first estimate by Statistics Netherlands. Dutch CO2 emissions are calculated according to the definitions of the Environmental accounts.

Changes in CO2 emissions and economic developments, Q1 2015

CO2 emissions by ‘Energy and water supply and waste treatment’ are up on the first quarter of 2014. Dutch energy companies produced far more electricity than a year earlier. Coal and natural gas are used to generate electricity, which leads to CO2 emissions. The increase in production was mainly caused by increased demand from abroad. This higher production has led to higher value added for the energy plants, although this is substantially lower than the increase in CO2 emissions.

Dalende productie chemische basisindustrie leidt tot minder CO2-uitstoot
‘Agriculture, mining, manufacturing and construction’ emitted more CO2 than the year before. The basic metal and the oil industries produced more, thereby emitting more CO2. However, the emission-intensive basic chemical industry produced less in the first quarter than in the comparable quarter of 2014. This lower production meant a substantial drop in emissions.

More CO2 emissions by households and services due to the relatively cold weather
All three months of the first quarter of 2015 were colder than the year before. The relatively cold winter led to higher natural gas consumption by households and services and through this the CO2 emissions went up as well.

Background information:
CO2-emissions on quarterly basis