Most Dutch residents positive about GP and physiotherapist

Dutch residents are in general positive about their GP. The average mark older people and people in good health give their GP on a scale from one to ten is 6 or higher. Overall, people are also positive about other care providers - medical specialists, dentists and physiotherapists. Their average mark ranged between 7.5 and 7.9.

Older people positive about their GP

Last year, 72 percent in the Dutch population consulted their GP in the twelve months prior to the health survey. More than 96 percent in this group gave their GP a mark of 6 or higher. The average mark for the GP given by men and women was 7.7 In relative terms, older people appear to be more positive than 20 to 30-year-olds.

Positive about GP, by age and gender of the patient, 2011

Healthy people are happy people

Healthy patients are more positive about their GP than patients who defined their state of health as not so good. In the latter group, 93 percent of men gave their GP a mark of 6 or higher versus 98 percent of men who rated their health status as good. For women, the gap between healthy and not so healthy women was narrower. Men and women equally often gave their GP a 6.

Degree of satisfaction with GP care by perceived health status, 2011

Degree of satisfaction with GP care by perceived health status, 2011

Also happy with care provided by medical specialist, dentist and physiotherapist

Dutch residents are also generally pleased with other health care providers, like medical specialists, dentists and physiotherapists. With an average score of 7.9, men are somewhat more positive about medical specialists than women (7.8). People are also happy with their dentist and physiotherapist. On average, men as well as women rewarded them with a score of 7.9.

Evaluation care providers, 2011

Evaluation care providers, 2011

Kim Knoops