Average price increase manufacturing industry 5.5 percent

Selling prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 5.5 percent higher in January 2012 than in January 2011. In December, prices were 6 percent up on twelve months previously. Over the last few months, prices have increased less rapidly.

In nearly all branches, manufacturers charged higher prices for their products than twelve months previously, but in many branches, the increase was less substantial than in December. This was not the case in the oil industry. Prices of petroleum products increased by 21 percent versus 17 percent in the previous month. With an average price of 86 euro, the highest price recorded in decades, the barrel price of North Sea Brent oil was 19 percent up in January from twelve months previously.

Selling prices in manufacturing industry were 1.7 percent higher in January 2012 than in December 2011, the most substantial month-on-month price increase in almost a year. Price developments for crude oil played an important part in this respect. Prices on the foreign market rose by 2.0 percent, prices on the domestic market by 1.4 percent.

Factory gate prices

Factory gate prices

More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.