Marginal increase number of vacancies

  • 130 thousand open job vacancies
  • More vacancies in private sector
  • Further increase vacancies sector commercial services
  • Large companies have more vacancies

Statistics Netherlands reports that, adjusted for seasonal variation, there were 130 thousand unfilled job vacancies by the end of last year. This is an increase by 4 thousand relative to the previous quarter and 16 thousand more than nine months ago, when the number of vacancies had dropped to the lowest level in six years.

The private sector predominantly accounts for the increase in job vacancies. By the end of last year, the number of unfilled vacancies had grown by 6 thousand compared to the previous quarter. The number of job vacancies in the public sector continued to decline.

In the last quarter of 2010, there were 76 thousand unfilled vacancies in the sector commercial services, i.e. 3 thousand more than in the preceding quarter. The increase is predominantly due to trade and business services. Sustained growth also occurred in energy and industry, where the number of vacancies grew to 21 thousand. 

The number of vacancies in small and middle-sized businesses remained  unchanged relative to twelve months ago. More than 55 percent of the total number of vacancies were found in companies employing more than 100 persons, where the number of vacancies grew to 69 thousand.