Job vacancies up

  • 126 thousand unfilled job vacancies
  • more vacancies in commercial services in particular
  • both new and filled vacancies increase

According to figures released today by Statistics Netherlands, after correction for seasonal effects there were 126 thousand job vacancies in the Netherlands at the end of September 2010. This is 11 thousand more than in the previous quarter.

The increase in the number of vacancies is mainly accounted for by commercial services. At the end of the third quarter, there were 7 thousand more vacancies in this sector than in the previous quarter. The number of job vacancies rose in all branches of commercial services.

In the industry and energy sector there were 19 thousand job vacancies at the end of September. Here, the increase was mainly in the manufacturing industry. The decrease in the number of vacancies in construction seems to have come to an end: companies in this sector had 6 thousand jobs to fill at the end of the third quarter.

Labour market dynamics are increasing: in the third quarter of 2010 197 thousand jobs fell vacant, while 198 thousand vacancies were filled. For the first time in two years, the number of filled vacancies was higher than in the same period last year. For new vacancies this was already the case in the previous quarter.