Most recipients of part-time WW benefits in metal industry

In the period April 2009−April 2010, 69 thousand employees received part-time unemployment (WW) benefits. Nearly half of them were employed in the metal industry. There were on average 26 part-time WW benefits per business unit.

Many part-time WW benefits in sectors trade and business services

With 30 thousand benefits, the majority of part-time WW recipients are found in the metal industry. They make up 43 percent of the total number. Other sectors with many employees in the part-time WW scheme are wholesale and retail trade (12 percent) and business services (12 percent).

Only one in six benefit recipients are women. This is mainly due to the fact that most recipients of part-time WW are found in the male-dominated metal industry. The metal industry has the smallest proportion of women (8 percent), whereas wholesale and retail trade has the highest proportion (37 percent).

Number of employees receiving part-time WW, April 2009-April 2010

Number of employees receiving part-time WW, April 2009-April 2010

Metal industry has most part-time WW recipients per business unit

In the period April 2009−April 2010, 6.7 thousand businesses applied for benefits under the part-time WW act. With nearly 1.6 thousand, the sector business services has the highest number of businesses applying for part-time WW. The average number of benefits per business unit was 11; the average number of benefits per business unit is highest in the metal industry, i.e. 26.

Part-time WW benefits per business unit and per sector, April 2009-April 2010

Part-time WW benefits per business unit and per sector, April 2009-April 2010

Most part-time WW benefits in North Brabant

Most employees receiving benefits on the basis of the part-time WW scheme are found in the provinces of North Brabant en Gelderland. In Zeeland, Flevoland and the northern provinces, the amount of part-time WW benefit recipients is relatively low.

There are considerable regional differences in the number of part-time WW recipients per sector. This is due to the regional distribution of the private sector. In North Brabant, Limburg and Overijssel, approximately half of part-time WW recipients are employed in the metal industry. In the provinces in the Randstad region and Gelderland, the range of industries is wider.

Part-time WW benefit recipients by province of residence, April 2009-April 2010

Part-time WW benefit recipients by province of residence, April 2009-April 2010

Katja Chkalova