Decrease manufacturing stocks remains substantial

Manufacturers reduced their stocks of finished products by more than 12 percent in November relative to November 2008. Since March 2009, stocks have continually been smaller than one year previously. The decrease in November was in the same order of magnitude as in the three preceding months. The index stocks of finished products (base year 2005=100) was 100.0 in November.

Stocks of finished product manufacturing industry (volume)

Stocks of finished product manufacturing industry (volume)

Opinions on stocks virtually unchanged

The Business Sentiment Survey for the Manufacturing Industry provides a first indication of the development of the index stocks of finished products in the near future. In this survey, manufacturers are invited to define their current stocks of finished products as too large (negative), normal or too small (positive), in relation to projected sales. These results are available two months earlier than data on the stocks of finished products.

Manufacturers’ opinions on their stocks hardly changed in December 2009 and January 2010. Manufacturers considering their stocks too large marginally outnumbered those referring to their stocks as too small. Manufacturers are clearly more optimistic about the level of their stocks than at the beginning of 2009. This optimism coincides with the reduction in their stocks.

Assessment of stocks of finished product

Assessment of stocks of finished product