4 thousand juveniles referred to Halt programmes for fireworks offences

Last year, 4 thousand young people – nearly one fifth of all young participating in Halt programmes − were referred to Halt in relation to fireworks offences.

Mainly boys

Fireworks offenders are typically boys, i.e. 95 percent of juveniles referred to Halt in relation to fireworks offences were boys, whereas, altogether, three quarters of all Halt referrals in 2008 concerned boys.

An average of 6 in every 1,000 boys were referred to Halt in relation to fireworks offences. Turkish boys are overrepresented: 12 in every 1,000 boys with a Turkish background were referred to Halt in relation to fireworks offences, as against just over 6 in every 1,000 native Dutch boys. 

On average, Turkish boys are also a bit younger when they commit fireworks offences and are subsequently referred to Halt. The most common age was 13 for Turkish boys and 14 for native Dutch juvenile fireworks offenders.

Boys referred to Halt in relation to fireworks offences, 2008

Boys referred to Halt in relation to fireworks offences, 2008

Rob Kessels