More non-western immigrants unemployed due to recession

In the third quarter of 2009, nearly 11 percent of people with a non-western ethnic background living in the Netherlands were unemployed, as opposed to 8 percent one year previously. The young and male non-western population in the Netherlands were seriously affected by the recession.

Unemployment by ethnic background

Unemployment by ethnic background

Higher unemployment rate among non-western immigrants

In the third quarter of 2009, the unemployment rate among non-western immigrants was more than two and a half times as high as among native Dutch. Unemployment in the native Dutch population also increased, but to a lesser degree:  nearly 3 percentage points more than in the third quarter of 2008 for non-westerners against 1.2 percentage points for native Dutch.

Unemployment by ethnic background

Unemployment by ethnic background

Unemployment higher among non-western males

The unemployment rate for men with a non-western background was nearly 4 percentage points higher in the third quarter of 2009 than one year previously, as against 2 percentage points for their female counterparts. The unemployment rate for non-westerners of both genders stood at nearly 11 percent in the third quarter. The increase in the native Dutch population was less significant. Unemployment among native Dutch men and women was only 1 percentage point higher than in the third quarter of 2008.

Unemployment by ethnic background, gender and age, third quarter 2009

Unemployment by ethnic background, gender and age, third quarter 2009

Unemployment among young non-westerners rising

Unemployment in the young non-western population was highest in the age category 15−25. Within one year, the rate rose by just over 5 percentage points to 19 percent. In the native Dutch population, young people also had the highest unemployment rate. In the age category 15-25, unemployment among native Dutch was 3 percentage points higher than one year previously.

Lian Kösters