Environmental sector

The environmental sector comprises the group of companies and institutions engaged in activities like measuring, preventing, restricting, minimising or compensating for environmental damage to water, air and soil and problems related to waste, noise and eco systems (OECD, 1999; Eurostat 2009). This definition also includes ‘cleaner technologies’ and ‘cleaner products and services’ which minimise the risks of environmental damage and exhaustion of natural resources and pollution. The concept of environmental sector was defined on the European level and applies to all EU countries.

According to European agreements, the term environmental sector is used in a broader sense, i.e. not only traditional environmental services (waste treatment, water purification), but also other activities like renewable energy production, energy saving technologies and second-hand shops. The term environmental sector offers a more complete picture and covers all environment-related activities within the Dutch economy.

In addition to companies primarily engaged in environment-related activities, the environmental sector also includes internal environmental activities, e.g. companies processing their own waste. A shift from environmental activities carried out in-house to outsourcing of these activities or vice versa can thus be monitored more accurately.