One in three young people have used cannabis at least once

In 2007/2008, one third of young people had used cannabis at least once in their lives. In the age categories 15–20 and 20–25, the proportions were 24 and 41 percent respectively. More than one in ten young people had smoked cannabis in the past 30 days.

Half of 20 to 25-year-old men have occasionally smoked cannabis

More 15 to 25-year-old men than women had used cannabis at least once: 39 against 26 percent. In the age group 20–25, the gender gap was even wider: half of men against less than one third of women. 

Cannabis consumption in young people, 2007/2008


More regular cannabis users in young male population

The gap between young men and women becomes even wider when it comes to regular cannabis consumption. More than one in ten 15 to 20-year-old men and two in ten 20 to 25-year-old men had used cannabis in the past 30 days. The corresponding figures for women were 5 and 6 percent respectively.

Higher educated young people have smoked pot more often

Higher educated young people more often have experimented with cannabis than their lower educated counterparts: 36 percent of graduates from higher vocational education (hbo) and university (wo), as opposed to 27 percent of young people with only primary education. Lower educated young people, on the other hand, more often use cannabis on a regular basis. 

Cannabis consumption among young people by highest level of education 1), 2007/2008


Cannabis consumption higher in the cities

Cannabis smoking is also more frequent among young people living in the larger cities than among those living in rural areas. In fact, the proportion of young people, who had smoked cannabis in the past 30 days was nearly three times as high in very densely populated areas as in rural areas. 

Cannabis consumption among young people by degree of urbanisation of their place of residence 1), 2007/2008


Kim Knoops

Bron: Cannabisgebruik onder jongeren van 15 tot 25 jaar, 2007/2008