Medical aids

The following questions were asked to persons aged four years and older with respect to auditory aids:
• Do you use a hearing aid?
• Do you use a special device to amplify the sound of, for example, your telephone or television set?
Visual aids:
• Do you (occasionally) wear glasses or contact lenses?
• Do you have other devices to improve your hearing or sight?
The following questions were asked to persons aged twelve years and older:
• Do you use a walking stick, crutch or walker?
• Do you use a wheelchair (with electrical or manual propulsion) or mobility scooter?
Data on medical aids are based on the Integrated System of Social Surveys (POLS). The annual survey covers approximately 10 thousand people. As the institutional population (people living in homes and institutions on a permanent basis) is not included in POLS, a significant part of people using medical aids is not taken into account.
For the breakdown by socio-economic status, the years 2004, 2005 and 2006 have been put together. A larger population leads to more accurate estimates.