Older singles more often unhealthy

More than 8 percent of people in the age category 50-80 who have a partner are in poor physical or mental health. This percentage is much lower than for divorced, widowed or never-married people in the same age category. About 20 percent of divorced 50 to 80-year-olds have mental problems and 14 percent are in a poor physical condition. Nearly 20 percent of persons, whose partners died in the past three years, had mental problems. The percentage is significantly higher than among people who lost their partners more than three years ago. Only 13 percent of them indicated to have mental problems.

People in poor health do not consult GPs, medical specialists or physiotherapists more often than their healthier counterparts. There appears to be little difference in this respect between single and cohabiting 50 to 80-years-olds.

50 to 80-year-olds in poor health, 2004/2006

50 to 80-year-olds in poor health, 2004/2006