Costs of water management continue to rise

Water tax proceeds have risen from 1,130 million euro in 1995 to 2,165 million euro in 2009. The water tax rate has risen nearly twice as fast as the inflation rate.

Increase estimated water taxes and inflation

Increase estimated water taxes and inflation

Dry feet

Water board authorities have two main tasks: treatment of waste water and water system management (guarantee dry feet and provide clean water).  Water board authorities can also be responsible for (water)way maintenance and management. The costs are almost entirely paid from water tax proceeds.

Households and the private sector pay for treatment of waste water. The amount is based on the volume of water-polluting waste households and companies discharge. All people concerned  pay for water system management and (water)way maintenance and management.

Contribution home owners and residents growing

In the past decade, a growing part of taxes imposed for water system management and (water)way maintenance and management has been paid by home owners, owners of non-residential property and residents. The part paid by land owners is declining. The amount of water tax paid by home owners and owners of non-residential property is based on the value of their property according to the Act on Property Assessment (WOZ).

The share paid by home owners and non-residential property owners for water system management and (water)way maintenance and management has risen from 39 percent in 1995 to 51 percent in 2009, while the share paid by residents has increased almost by half from 26 percent to 37 percent. Land owners account for 12 percent ((35 percent in 1995) of these taxes.

The share paid by households and companies for treatment of waste water has been stable for years. Households pay slightly over 70 percent, companies slightly less than 30 percent of the pollution tax.

Shares various categories in taxes for water system management and (water)way maintenance and management.

Shares various categories in taxes for water system management and (water)way maintenance and management.

Arlen Hoebergen