Increasing labour market participation by young people

Since 2004, the proportion of employed among non-school going young people has increased. Young people with a basic qualification benefited more from the booming economy than those without a basic qualification. Men who are not actively looking for jobs mentioned disability or illness as the main reason. For women caring for family or household was the main reason not to be active.

Over 80 percent young non-school going people are employed

Last year, 830 thousand 15 to 27-year-olds were no longer attending any form of education. Over 80 percent of them were employed. In the rest of the young population, 42 thousand were unemployed and 97 thousand were not active on the labour market.

Position on the labour market of young people not attending any form of education (aged 15-27)

Position on the labour market of young people not attending any form of education (aged 15-27)

Proportion of employed young people declined

Since 2004, the group of young people who were not attending school and unemployed has dropped by 47 thousand. The proportion of unemployed young people in the total non-school going young population declined from 21 percent in 2004 to 16.8 percent in 2007. This is due to a reduction by half of the number of young unemployed during this period of economic boom. The proportion in the young population who are not active on the labour market remained more or less the same.

Young people without a basic qualification three times as often unemployed

The unemployment rate among young people without a basic qualification was nearly three times as high as among their peers with a basic qualification. Young people with a basic qualification benefited more from the improved economic situation. Since 2004, the proportion of unemployed young people with a basic qualification has decreased by more than a quarter. The decline among their peers without a basic starter qualification declined by 10 percent.

Unemployed, non-school going young people in the age category 15-27 with and without a basic qualification

Unemployed, non-school going young people in the age category 15-27 with and without a basic qualification

Reasons for not being active on the labour market

The major reasons for men not to be active on the labour market are illness and disability. The main reason for women is the care for family and household. They are mostly young single mothers.

Reasons for non-school going young people (aged 15 to 27) not to be active on the labour market, 2007

Reasons for non-school going young people (aged 15 to 27) not to be active on the labour market, 2007

Marjolein Korvorst and Francis van der Mooren