30 thousand people earn top incomes in excess of 200 thousand euro

Three in every four Dutch residents had an income of their own in 2005.
The personal gross income averaged more than 29 thousand euro. Approximately 40 percent of Dutch income earners earned more than 29 thousand euro. More than 15 percent earned an income in excess of 50 thousand euro in 2005. Exactly 2 percent – approximately 240 thousand persons – earned a gross income exceeding 100 thousand euro.

In 2005, there were 30 thousand people with incomes over 200 thousand euro. Nearly 65 percent of this income category were employees, civil servants or managing directors/major shareholders. One in three top income earners were self-employed. There are relatively few women among the top income earners: in 2005 under 12 percent of people earning more than 200 thousand euro were women.

Distribution personal gross income, 2005*

Distribution personal gross income, 2005*