Job growth accelerates

The number of jobs of employees increased by 206 thousand in the second quarter of 2007 relative to the same period one year previously. The 2.7 percent increase is larger than in the preceding quarters. Employment has risen continuously for two years.

Temp agencies, providers of business services, trade and care recorded a noticeable increase in the number of jobs in the second quarter compared to the same quarter last year. In the sectors manufacturing industry and government services job growth was marginal.

The number of jobs in the Netherlands amounted to 7.8 million in the second quarter of 2007. With 1.5 million jobs, business services is the largest sector. In this sector, temp jobs are also counted, irrespective of the branch in which the temp workers are active. In the sectors trade and care the number of jobs also well exceeded 1 million.

Wage costs per labour year were 1.7 percent higher in the first and second quarter than in the same period one year previously. In 2006, wage costs per labour year  increased by an average 2.4 percent. In the first six months of 2007, the increase in collectively negotiated wages was less substantial than in 2006. Employer-paid contributions remained virtually unchanged.    

Growth rate jobs and economic growth

Growth rate jobs and economic growth