Level of education

The highest level of education attained is laid down in the Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2003, issue 2006/’07. The reference period is the end of September 2003.

The following education levels are distinguished:
1. primary education including:
• primary education (levels 1 and 2 of the SOI)
• secondary education, first stage, (vmbo, mbo1 and avo lower level; level 3 of the SOI)
2. secondary education, second stage (havo, vwo, mbo 2-4; level 4 of the SOI)
3. higher education including:
• higher education, first stage (hbo, university bachelor; level 5 of the SOI)
• higher education, second and third stage (university master, doctor; levels 6 and 7 of the SOI)

Survey has proven that the level of education of people living on social security benefits in the period 2001-2005 will hardly change in the short run. Therefore, the average education level of social security recipients in the periods 2001-2002 and 2004-2005 is assumed to be the same as at the end of September 2003.