Family with children most common household type

In the decades to come, the number of singles is expected to grow in the Netherlands, according to the Household Forecast published by Statistics Netherlands. Yet, the family with children remains the most common household structure in the Netherlands.

More than half of Dutch population live in family setting with children

The number of singles continues to grow: in 2050 more than 20 percent of the Dutch population will consist of singles, as against 15 percent in 2006. A majority of the population (56 percent in 2006) live in a family setting with children, but that proportion is anticipated to drop to just over 50 percent in 2050.

Persons living in households

Persons living in households

Fewer households with children in 2050

Last year, there were 2.5 million households in the Netherlands with children living at home. The majority (2.1 million) were (un)married couples with children. In addition, there were 450 thousand single-parent families.
The number of households with children is anticipated to decline to 2.4 million in 2050. The number of couples with children in particular will diminish, while the number of single-parent families with children will rise to 487 thousand.



Marginal majority of families have two children

Families with two children living at home are marginally more frequent than families with one child living at home: 42 and 40 percent respectively in 2006. With 60 percent, the proportion of single parents with one child is distinctly higher.

Fewer large families

The number of large families (three or more children) has nearly been halved since the 1970s and the decline will continue in the decades to come. Last year, 17 percent of families with children had three or more children living at home. In 2050, 15 percent of families will have three or more children.

Families with children

Families with children

Fewer families with young children

In nearly 900 thousand families, the youngest child was under 6 years old in 2006. This amount corresponds to more than one third of families with children.
In 2050, a reduction by 90 thousand relative to 2006 is anticipated. The number of families whose youngest child is 18 years or older, on the other hand, is expected to increase by 40 thousand.

Families with children by age of the youngest

Families with children by age of the youngest

Elma van Agtmaal-Wobma