Number of management consultancies tripled

On 1 January 2006, 27 thousand management consultancies were registered in the Netherlands. This is more than three times the number in 1996. The number of management consultancies rose by an average 5 per day in the period 1996-2006. In relative terms, the province of Utrecht has the most management consultancies.

Number of management consultancies

Number of management consultancies

Most consultancies have no employees

More than 80 percent of management consultancies have no employees. This accounts for more than 22 thousand management consultants. Ten years ago only 6 thousand had no employees. This means that the number of consultancies without employees is rising much faster than the number with employees.

Big consultancy firms also show substantial increase

Among the consultancies who do employ staff, the big firms have shown a larger increase. The number of consultancies employing 10 or more people was nearly 200 percent higher in 2006 than in 1996. The number of small consultancies rose by just under 80 percent.

Number of management consultancy establishments

Number of management consultancy establishments

Largest increase in Friesland and Flevoland

The number of establishments of management consultancies rose by most in the provinces of Flevoland and Friesland in the last ten years. The number quadrupled in both provinces. In spite of these increases, Friesland and Flevoland are still among the provinces with the smallest number of consultancies. More than half of all management consultants are located in North Holland, South Holland and Utrecht.

Relative number of management consultancy establishments

Relative number of management consultancy establishments

Relatively many consultancies in Utrecht

There were more than 800 thousand establishments of enterprises in the Netherlands on 1 January 2006, of which just over 27 thousand were management consultancies. Nationally, 1 in 30 establishments are management consultants. In relative terms, Utrecht has the most management consultancy establishments (1 in 15), and Zeeland the least: 1 in 74.

Mathijs Jacobs