Car lease costs more

Car lease prices were 4.2 percent higher in the third quarter of 2004 than twelve months previously.

Lease prices of new cars, vans and lorries

Lease prices of new cars, vans and lorries

Prices rising faster since second half of 2003

Since the third quarter of 2001 the average lease price has risen by 10.2 percent. More than half of this increase took place after the first half of 2003.

Lease prices of new cars, vans and lorries

Lease prices of new cars, vans and lorries

Prices of medium-sized cars rise faster

Lease prices differ between car size categories. Prices of small cars and larger cars rose by less than those of medium-sized cars. In addition lease prices of cars with a diesel motor rose by less than those of similar cars running on LPG.

Lease prices of cars by fuel and category

Lease prices of cars by fuel and category

Diesel popular for leased cars

Nearly one in three new cars sold in the Netherlands is leased. On 31 December 2003 there were 517 thousand leased cars on Dutch roads. More than half of these had a diesel motor. By way of comparison, only one fifth of all cars in the Netherlands had a diesel motor.

Smaller price rises for vans and lorries

The price of new lease contracts for vans rose less heftily. On average the lease price for a van was 2.3 percent higher in the third quarter of 2004 than in the third quarter van 2003. For lorries the price increase was 1.1 percent. The prices of lease contracts for lorries have been lower than those for other vehicle categories for quite a long time now.

Cees Maas and Aurél Kenessey