End to rise in jobs in non-commercial services

After correction for seasonal effects there were slightly fewer jobs in the non-commercial services sector in the second quarter of 2004. This is the first time in five years that the number of jobs in non-commercial services did not increase.

Smaller decrease in private sector jobs

The number of jobs in the private sector decreased by 29 thousand in the second quarter. In the first quarter this number fell by 40 thousand.

After correction for seasonal influences, the total number of jobs in the second quarter of 2004 dropped by 32 thousand. This is about the same as the decrease in the first quarter.

Jobs of employees

Jobs of employees

Jobs and seasonal effects

This is the first time that Statistics Netherlands has corrected the quarterly figures on jobs for seasonal effects. There are often more jobs in the summer as the demand for workers in the hotel and restaurants sector increases, while in the winter the number of jobs is relatively lower as less work is available in agriculture and construction. Correcting for these effects makes it possible to see the real quarter on quarter changes, and thus recognise turning points at an earlier stage.

Fewer jobs in non-commercial services

The number of jobs in non-commercial services fell by 2 thousand in the second quarter of 2004 after correction for seasonal effects. In the last five years the number of jobs in this sector has risen continually, by an average 15 thousand per quarter. The last time the number of jobs in this sector decreased was in the first quarter of 1996, when it fell as a consequence of the abolition of conscription.

Jobs, quarter-on-quarter changes, seasonally corrected

Jobs, quarter-on-quarter changes, seasonally corrected

Stagnating job growth in health care and welfare

The continual growth in the number of jobs in non-commercial services was reported across the board in this sector in 2001 and 2002: more jobs were created in health care, education and public administration. In 2003 new jobs became available almost only in health care and welfare: the number of jobs in this sector grew by just over 13 thousand a quarter in 2003. In the second quarter of 2004, however, there was hardly any growth at all. The number of jobs in public administration (including defence) has been falling slightly since the fourth quarter of 2003.

Jobs in non-commercial services, quarter-on-quarter changes, seasonally corrected

Jobs in non-commercial services, quarter-on-quarter changes, seasonally corrected

Dick Gielisse and Bart Emich