Consumption in pubs lower than in 1997

In 2003 turnover in restaurants was 2.5 percent down on 2002, turnover in lunch rooms and fast food restaurants fell by 1.5 percent, in pubs by more than 1 percent.

Turnover restaurants, pubs and other places to eat

Turnover restaurants, pubs and other places to eat

Reduced turnover for the first time in years

Turnover in lunch rooms and fast food restaurants dropped for the first time since 1996, in pubs and restaurants for the first time since 1993. This is a direct consequence of the reduced consumption which has continued for three years now.

Higher prices

Pubs, restaurants and small food outlets have raised their prices significantly in recent years. In 2003 prices in restaurants were 13 percent up on 2000. In the same period prices in lunch rooms and fast food restaurants increased by 16 percent, in pubs by no less than 20 percent. The strongest price rises were realised in 2001 and 2002. In this period prices were raised by twice as much as in 2000. In 2003 more moderate price rises prevailed.

Prices in restaurants, pubs and other places to eat

Prices in restaurants, pubs and other places to eat

Consumption in pubs drops significantly

Higher prices lead to lower consumption. The decrease in consumption in restaurants was relatively small because since 2000 price rises were fairly moderate in this sector. The consumption level in pubs even sank below that of 1997.

Consumption in restaurants, pubs and other places to eat

Consumption in restaurants, pubs and other places to eat

The effect of price rises on consumption is difficult to measure. Other factors, such as the current recession and reduced purchasing power, may also play a part in this respect.

Roos Schellings