Producer Price Index; output prices by economic activity SIC 2008, 2021=100

Producer Price Index; output prices by economic activity SIC 2008, 2021=100

Sales SBI '08 sections and divisions All periods Price index numbers excluding excise (2021=100) Month-on-month development (%) Year-on-year development (%) Weight factor
Total sales B-E Industry (no construction), energy 2024* 121.0 -3.0 493,529
Total sales B Mining and quarrying 2024* 156.7 -17.0 11,409
Total sales 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and gas 2024* 171.6 -22.3 7,816
Total sales 061 Extraction of crude petroleum 2024* 139.2 -13.5 745
Total sales 062 Extraction of natural gas 2024* 175.0 -23.0 7,071
Total sales 08 Mining and quarrying (no oil and gas) 2024* 133.9 5.5 1,456
Total sales 081 Mining of stone, sand and clay 2024* 134.4 8.1 1,050
Total sales 089 Other mining and quarrying 2024* 132.8 -0.7 406
Total sales 0893 Extraction of salt 2024* . . 262
Total sales 0899 Other mining and quarrying (rest) 2024* 133.2 -0.5 144
Total sales C Manufacturing 2024* 119.3 -0.5 463,547
Total sales 10-12 Manufacture of food and beverages 2024* 130.2 1.9 94,281
Total sales 10 Manufacture of food products 2024* 132.2 1.9 83,255
Total sales 101 Slaughtering, processing of meat 2024* 131.1 -3.6 15,559
Total sales 1011 Slaughterhouses (no poultry) 2024* 132.7 -4.0 8,170
Total sales 1012 Slaughterhouses (poultry) 2024* 131.0 -4.1 3,462
Total sales 1013 Processing of meat (no dishes) 2024* 128.1 -2.3 3,927
Total sales 102 Processing of fish 2024* 132.0 -0.2 976
Total sales 103 Processing of vegetables and fruit 2024* 150.8 5.6 6,142
Total sales 1031 Processing of potatoes 2024* 174.1 7.7 2,557
Total sales 1032 Manufacture of fruit juice 2024* 136.2 2.9 954
Total sales 1039 Other processing vegetables, fruit 2024* 133.4 4.1 2,631
Total sales 104 Manufacture of edible oils and fats 2024* 111.2 -7.8 7,587
Total sales 1041 Manufacture of oils and fats 2024* 108.7 -8.3 6,415
Total sales 1042 Manufacture of margarine 2024* 124.6 -5.0 1,172
Total sales 105 Manufacture of dairy products 2024* 116.5 0.0 12,722
Total sales 1051 Operation of dairies, no ice cream 2024* 116.3 0.0 12,235
Total sales 1052 Manufacture of ice cream 2024* 122.5 0.1 487
Total sales 106 Grain milling and starch products 2024* 146.4 -3.8 3,986
Total sales 1061 Manufacture of grain mill products 2024* 136.7 -3.7 1,469
Total sales 1062 Manufacture of starches 2024* 152.1 -3.8 2,517
Total sales 107 Manufacture of bakery products 2024* 134.7 1.1 7,991
Total sales 1071 Manufacture of bread, fresh pastry 2024* 133.0 1.1 4,718
Total sales 1072 Manufacture of preserved pastry 2024* 136.9 1.1 3,232
Total sales 1073 Manufacture of farinaceous products 2024* 156.3 4.4 41
Total sales 108 Manufacture of other food 2024* 155.4 16.7 18,028
Total sales 1081 Manufacture of sugar 2024* 176.2 7.0 1,326
Total sales 1082 Manufacture of cocoa,confectionary 2024* 197.1 57.3 3,640
Total sales 1083 Processing of tea and coffee 2024* 172.9 19.8 3,540
Total sales 1084 Manufacture of spices, sauces, salt 2024* 131.0 2.2 3,141
Total sales 1085 Manufacture of prepared meals 2024* 124.3 1.2 1,598
Total sales 1086 Manufacture of dietetic food 2024* 132.2 3.4 2,054
Total sales 1089 Manufacture of other food products 2024* 130.8 1.0 2,729
Total sales 109 Manufacture of animal foods 2024* 109.1 -7.3 10,264
Total sales 1091 Manufacture foods for farm animals 2024* 108.3 -7.7 8,559
Total sales 1092 Manufacture of prepared pet foods 2024* 112.8 -5.3 1,705
Total sales 11 Manufacture of beverages 2024* 120.7 -0.7 6,335
Total sales 1101 Distilling, rectifying and blending 2024* 132.0 1.6 577
Total sales 1102 Manufacture of wine from grape 2024* 108.9 1.2 1
Total sales 1103 Manufacture of fruit wines 2024* 123.9 0.6 40
Total sales 1104 Manufacture of vermouth etc. 2024* 118.6 1.9 1
Total sales 1105 Manufacture of beer 2024* 118.2 -0.6 3,014
Total sales 1106 Manufacture of malt 2024* 117.3 -8.0 178
Total sales 1107 Manufacture of soft drinks 2024* 121.3 -0.8 2,524
Total sales 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 2024* 108.6 5.8 4,691
Total sales 13 Manufacture of textiles 2024* 119.1 1.8 5,400
Total sales 13-15 Man. of textile-, leatherproducts 2024* 119.0 1.8 6,533
Total sales 131 Spinning of textile fibres 2024* 119.4 0.7 131
Total sales 132 Weaving of textiles 2024* 123.1 3.4 756
Total sales 133 Finishing of textiles 2024* 120.1 2.2 309
Total sales 139 Manufacture of other textiles 2024* 118.3 1.6 4,204
Total sales 1391 Knitting and crocheting of fabrics 2024* 123.6 5.3 68
Total sales 1392 Manufacture of made-up textile 2024* 117.6 1.4 864
Total sales 1393 Manufacture of carpets and rugs 2024* 120.6 2.3 2,128
Total sales 1394 Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine 2024* 120.6 0.8 10
Total sales 1395 Manufacture of non-wovens 2024* 112.7 -0.2 457
Total sales 1396 Manufacture of technical textiles 2024* 116.8 -0.3 394
Total sales 1399 Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c 2024* 112.7 0.8 283
Total sales 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 2024* 121.2 1.4 493
Total sales 141 Manufacture of apparel (no fur) 2024* 121.8 1.4 453
Total sales 1411 Manufacture of leather clothes 2024* 111.2 1.5 12
Total sales 1412 Manufacture of work wear 2024* 124.8 1.4 244
Total sales 1413 Manufacture of other outerwear 2024* 122.4 1.5 81
Total sales 1414 Manufacture of underwear 2024* 121.4 1.4 56
Total sales 1419 Manufacture of other clothing 2024* 111.1 1.3 60
Total sales 142 Manufacture of articles of fur 2024* 111.2 1.5 12
Total sales 143 Knitting and crocheting apparel 2024* 116.6 1.3 28
Total sales 1431 Knitting and crocheting hosiery 2024* 120.6 1.2 16
Total sales 1439 Knitting, crocheting other apparel 2024* 111.2 1.5 12
Total sales 15 Manufacture of leather and footwear 2024* 116.9 1.2 640
Total sales 151 Manufacture of leather products 2024* 119.2 1.8 339
Total sales 1511 Tanning and dressing of leather 2024* 114.0 -0.6 140
Total sales 1512 Manufacture of luggage, handbags 2024* 122.8 3.4 199
Total sales 152 Manufacture of footwear 2024* 114.4 0.6 301
Total sales 16+23 Man of wooden and buildingmaterial 2024* 126.1 -0.3 17,582
Total sales 16 Manufacture of wood products 2024* 117.8 -1.7 7,110
Total sales 161 Sawmilling and planing of wood 2024* 122.2 -3.0 1,297
Total sales 162 Manufacture of products of wood 2024* 116.9 -1.4 5,813
Total sales 1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets 2024* 122.4 -1.4 770
Total sales 1622 Manufacture of panels for parquet 2024* 118.2 -0.8 59
Total sales 1623 Manufacture other builders' joinery 2024* 117.1 -0.3 3,226
Total sales 1624 Manufacture of wooden containers 2024* 110.7 -1.7 1,306
Total sales 1629 Manufacture other wooden products 2024* 123.5 -7.7 452
Total sales 17-18 Manufacture of paper and printing 2024* 119.5 -1.7 17,194
Total sales 17 Manufacture of paper 2024* 118.0 -2.3 13,952
Total sales 171 Manufacture of pulp, paper, -board 2024* 116.7 -2.1 4,446
Total sales 1712 Manufacture of paper and paperboard 2024* 116.7 -2.1 4,446
Total sales 172 Manufacture of articles of paper 2024* 118.6 -2.4 9,506
Total sales 1721 Manufacture corrugated paper(board) 2024* 118.8 -3.3 3,697
Total sales 1722 Manufacture of household paper 2024* 112.9 -1.1 1,815
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on the average price development of the selling prices of Dutch industrial products with base year 2021=100. The monthly price developments are shown for both domestic and foreign sales. The data is further subdivided into a number of
branches by economic activity SIC2008 of Statistics Netherlands.

Data available from: January 2018

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are provisional during five months.

Changes as of January 30th 2025
Figures of December 2024 and year 2024 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
New figures will be published not later than 30 days after the period under review.

Description topics

Price index numbers excluding excise
The producer price index (ppi) is an index figure that reflects the average price development of Dutch industrial products. The price indices of the sales are a weighted average of price data for domestic sales and for the export of the goods in question. The price indices of the consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products are a weighted average of price data for the purchase of domestic products and for the import of the goods in question. The price indexes do not include excise duties.
Month-on-month development
Percentual month-on-month development. The not round price index number of month T compared to the not round price index number of month T-1.
Year-on-year development
Percentual year-on-year development. The not round price index number of month T compared to the not round price index number of month T-12.
Weight factor
The weight factor reflects the importance of an activity in relation to the section to which it belongs and the importance of the sections in relation to each other. A section is indicated with 1 capital letter, according to economic activity SIC 2008. Example: the industry is represented with capital C.