Continuing vocational training

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This table shows the core figures on continuing vocational training of enterprises with 10 and more employees in the private sector in the Netherlands.

Data available from: 1986 up to and including 2020

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite.

Changes as of 2 December 2022:
New figures for 2020 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
New figures for 2025 are expected in 2027.

Description topics

Training enterprises
The actual transactor in the production process characterised by independence in decisions about the process and by providing products to others.

Enterprises with 10 and more employees in the private sector providing training to their employees.
Enterprises with courses
Percentage of enterprises with at least one employee having a CVT course. CVT courses are typically clearly separated from the active work place (learning takes place in locations specially assigned for learning like a class room or training centre). They exhibit a high degree of organisation (time, space and content) by a trainer or a training institution. The content is designed for a group of learners (e.g. a curriculum exists).
Employees with courses
Total employees
Percentage of employees having at least one CVT course as regard to all employees in enterprises with 10 or more employees in de private sector.
Male employees
Percentage of male employees having at least one CVT course as regard to all male employees in enterprises with 10 or more employees in de private sector.
Female employees
Percentage of female employees having at least one CVT course as regard to all female employees in enterprises with 10 or more employees in de private sector.
Hours spent on courses
Spent per employee
Average hours spend on CVT courses per employee in all enterprises with 10 or more employees in de private sector.
Spent per participant
Average hours spend on CVT courses per course participant in all enterprises with 10 or more employees in de private sector.
Percentage hours spent on courses
Percentage hours internal courses
Percentage of hours spend on internal courses as regards to the total number spend on CVTS courses. Internal CVT courses are principally designed and managed by the enterprise itself. The course can physically take place either within or outside the enterprise i.e. the geographic location relative to the enterprise is not the important issue.
Percentage hours external courses
Percentage of hours spend on external courses as regards to the total number spend on CVTS courses. External CVT courses are principally designed and managed by organisations which are not part of the enterprise itself (e.g. 3rd party organisations). The course can physically take place either within or outside the enterprise i.e. the geographic location relative to the enterprise is not the important issue.