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9 results for keyword:residents
9 results for keyword:residents

People in deprived neighbourhoods slightly healthier

The health and lifestyle of people who live in deprived urban neighbourhoods in the Netherlands are not as good as those of people living outside these neighbourhoods. However, the mental health and...


Multicultural neighbourhoods most positive about police performance

Residents of multicultural neighbourhoods are relatively positive about police performance.


Nearly half of Dutch population engaged in volunteer activities

Last year, 5.6 million Dutch in the age category 18 years and older ((44 percent of the adult population) were active in volunteer work. Most voluntary workers are active in sports clubs.


Half of Dutch population think their neighbourhoods are subject to decay

In 2007, more than half of the Dutch population indicated that dog droppings, street litter, vandalised bus and tram shelters and graffiti on walls and buildings were a major source of annoyance.


National  problems hardly related to regions

There is hardly any difference between what Dutch people in urban and rural areas define as urgent national problems.


Four out of ten people bothered by traffic

In 2007, 37 percent of people in the Netherlands reported being bothered by traffic in the neighbourhood where they lived. Most of the problems concerned speeding, but traffic noise and aggressive...


Old people receiving more and more care

The volume of care provided to the elderly is growing faster than the number of patients. As a result, the volume of care per old person is increasing.
