One million households receive rent rebate

Nearly 1 million households in the Netherlands received a rent rebate Under the new rent rebate act in 2006. The tax authorities paid a total 1.8 billion euro in rent rebates. Claimants received 150 euro a month on average.

Forty percent of rent compensated

The nearly 1 million households who received a rebate in 2006, just over 30 percent of all tenants renting accommodation, paid 380 euro rent per month on average. They received on average 150 euro per month rebate. This means that the government paid nearly 40 percent of their rent. The average income of households receiving rent rebate was 12.2 thousand euro. Of the 1.8 billion euro rebates paid, more than 700 million euro was paid to households with people aged over 65; they received 155 euro on average.

Households receiving rent rebate,2006

Households receiving rent rebate,2006

Nearly half of non-western tenants receive rebate

Nearly half of non-western households (just over 190 thousand) received a rent rebate, compared with one third of native Dutch households.
Two out of three non-western households who received a rebate were multi-person households, their average income was 12.6 thousand euro. Their average rent was 380 euro a month, and they received an average 165 rebate. Two-thirds of native Dutch households who received a rebate were single households. Their average rent was 370 euro a month and they received an average 140 euro rebate; their average income was 12.3 thousand euro.

Amsterdam and Rotterdam account for 400 million euro

Together the urban areas of Amsterdam and Rotterdam accounted for 400 million euro in rent rebates, just over 22 percent of the total amount of rent rebates. In the urban areas of Rotterdam and Heerlen nearly one in five households received a rent rebate.

Households receiving rent rebates per urban area, 2006

Households receiving rent rebates per urban area, 2006

Hans Kasperski and Peter Meuwissen